Goring C. of E. Primary School

We were delighted with the results of our recent Ofsted inspection, please see the full report here


We are all part of God's vine and are rooted in His rich soil.  We are nurtured and supported so that we may grow and spread out into the world to love and to serve.


At Goring Church of England Primary School we strive to be the best that we can be, to be happy and healthy, and to do good. We cherish our traditional links with the Church, and our Christian values are rooted in everything we do. Our sense of community encourages kind and respectful behaviour where everyone's contribution is valued, and where diversity and what makes us all individuals are celebrated. Through our partnerships with other schools, the community and the Church we enjoy a range of experiences, enabling us to be successful and giving in our lives ahead.

Angela Wheatcroft

Virtual Tour of Our School


Virtual Tour of Our School