Goring C. of E. Primary School

Sports Activities

Welcome to the Sports section of our website. Here you will find out about the sporting activity and achievements that are related to our school.

We place a great deal of importance on providing the children in our school with as many sporting opportunities as possible. In addition we believe that our children should understand the importance of keeping fit and follow a healthy diet and lifestyle.

We are committed to promoting physical activity and its lifelong benefits to all our pupils irrespective of their ability. Children with special physical needs will be supported appropriately, allowing them to participate with their class.

We are active members of the Woodcote Sports Partnership and compete against other partnership schools in a variety of events and competitions such as cross country, netball, football, cricket, swimming, tennis and athletics. In recent years we have regularly qualified for regional and county finals in football, kwik cricket, cross country, tennis, swimming and athletics, and have won a number of championships, some of which have led to us competing at national level.

Government Sports Funding

The government provides ring-fenced funding to improve provision of PE and sport in primary schools. This funding – provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport – is allocated to primary school headteachers.

Please click on the following document to see the details of how we utilise this funding.

Evidencing The Impact Of Primary PE And Sport Premium Template 2024 2025