Goring Church of England (Voluntary Aided) Primary School nestles in the Goring Gap on the River Thames in South Oxfordshire. The school was founded in 1855 and, although we are a church school, we aim to provide education for the whole community and welcome all families from other denominations and beliefs. Pupils come from the village and surrounding area and from a variety of backgrounds. The school aims to provide every child with a modern, safe, welcoming and thought-provoking education.
The school is led by Mrs Angela Wheatcroft who has been the Headteacher since September 2009. There are 6 classes throughout the school for Reception to Year 6, led by qualified teachers and assisted by dedicated teaching assistants.
If you are interested in a place for your child at Goring Church of England Primary School then please contact us to arrange a visit. Further information is available on the Admissions page of this website.
When the day comes for your child to start school we aim to make the transition as comfortable as possible. We invite children to spend a morning and afternoon with us the term before they start. You will also be invited to a new parents meeting prior to your child starting. Arrangements for starting school will be communicated with parents as soon as places have been accepted.
Healthy Eating
At Goring Primary School the children can have school dinners cooked on the premises or a packed lunch brought from home. We strongly encourage healthy snacks and healthy packed lunches.
What the children say
We like to ask our pupils what they think of the school, and here are a few comments...
- I like everything to do with maths.
- I like the targets we have and I like knowing how well I am doing.
- This school is just like a happy family.
- In my class we respect each other.
- I love the learning atmosphere of my school.
- If you don’t understand something there is always someone to help.
- We do lots of different sports and PE.
What the parents say
We consistently seek feedback from the parents of our children through a questionnaire and more informally. The latest feedback indicates that parents on the whole feel that the school is a safe and happy place for their children. However, we are not complacent and are continuously working towards improving our communication and developing our partnership with parents.
“We are delighted with our son’s progress. Thank you for all your hard work and encouragement. It’s working!”
“We consider it a privilege that our children are being educated at Goring Primary School.”

Wrap-around Care
Goring Primary has a breakfast/after-school club run by Junior Adventures Group. Please see our Breakfast and After-school Club page or click here.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Do you have expectations of what our child can do when they start school?
No, children start school with a whole range of skills and abilities, and their development varies enormously. The Foundation Stage staff make assessments early on about your child’s level of development and will tailor activities accordingly. From a practical point of view it is helpful if children can recognise their name (eg, so they can find their own coat peg) and attempt to dress/undress themselves for PE.
- My child has only just turned four – will they keep up with the older children?
In the Foundation Stage we plan our activities and teaching to ensure that the younger (‘summer-born’) children get as much from the school day as the older children in the class. As such, the range of activities we provide are tailored to ensure that your child’s transition and learning are as enjoyable and productive as possible.
- Will my child have to do a full school day every day?
No. Many children in the Foundation Stage find full days very tiring, and we are happy to offer a flexible approach, enabling your child to go home for the afternoon (either just before or straight after lunch) for as long as you and the Foundation Stage staff consider appropriate.
- Where do we drop off our child?
All children are dropped off at their classroom door for the start of the school day. The school gates open at 8.40am and the school day starts at 8.50 am. They also need to be picked up from their classroom at 3.20pm which is the end of the day.
- What should we do if we have any concerns about our child?
In the first instance the class teacher should be consulted. All teachers are dedicated to resolving any problems with the children in their care. If the teacher is unable to resolve the concern satisfactorily then the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher should be consulted.
- When is the best time of day/week to speak to our child's teacher if we need to?
Class teachers are generally available in the classroom before school. It may be not be appropriate to have a full discussion at this time but quick matters can be mentioned.
It is appreciated that not all parents and carers are able to be at school on a regular basis, and that some matters need a lengthier discussion, so appointments for a face-to-face chat or telephone conversation with the class teacher can be made by emailing or calling the school office. If the matter is very urgent please make this clear in your initial contact.
- How do parents’ evenings work and when are they?
There are two parents’ evenings each year, in the autumn and spring terms. You will be invited to book a ten-minute slot via Parentmail with your child’s class teacher and get an opportunity to look at their work.
- Does anyone monitor what the children eat?
If you have concerns about your child’s eating please speak to the class teacher. They can alert the lunch supervisors to keep an eye on your child.
- Where should bikes and scooters be stored at school?
Bikes and scooters should be taken to the store which is accessed from around the back of the school between Mrs Toolin’s green classroom and the main building. Please note that bikes and scooters should not be ridden on the premises.
- What happens at break time?
Break times are an opportunity for free play which is an important part of a child’s development. There are always three adult supervisors on duty.
There are always going to be occasional disputes between children at free play and it is an important part of their education to learn in a safe and protected environment how to resolve these disputes without adult intervention. However, the supervisors will intervene when necessary.
- How does the school celebrate good behaviour and successes?
Successes and good behaviour are celebrated in a number of ways. Different teachers have different in-class strategies such as ‘mega play’ and ‘golden time’ when good class behaviour is rewarded by extra playtime or a choice of activities.
Whole-school collective worship assemblies provide opportunities for public praise for groups of children and individuals by way of special mention, certificates etc.
- I think my child might have special educational needs – who should I speak to?
Please speak to the class teacher. It is likely that if you have noticed something at home, the class teacher might also have observed signs. A two-way open communication is important in identifying any issues and getting the right support as quickly as possible.
- What happens during the school day?
Most days start with whole-school collective worship. Morning lessons tend to focus on English and maths, with a 15-minute break at 10.30am. Lunchtime is from 12.00pm to 1.00pm.
- How often do the children do PE?
There are two PE lessons a week. The class teacher will let you know when these are but PE kit should be at school at all times.